Thursday, June 28, 2007

Stand Firm!

i came across this awesome verse in the bible the other day:

Isaiah 7:9 '...if you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all'.

it made me think that if we continue to water down our faith then we'll be left with nothing at all. who likes REALLY watery cordial? you know the stuff that is just plain gross? that's what i reckon our faith can become if we don't stand firm in it. i've been told plenty of times that people will respect me if i show that i'm strong in what i believe, does that mean that people will think less of God if i let myself and my faith be stepped on by everyone? it can be hard but don't forget that you've got nothing to lose, stand up for God! it says in the bible that we should not let what we believe to be good spoken of as evil. well i believe that God is good so i won't let people speak about him as if he's evil or nothing at all.

hope you all have a great, God blessed day, week, month, year, etc. alana

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


i'm so confused! I was just 'tagged' by Simon Mapleback, so watch out Talia, Sarah McIver, Naomi, Rhiannon & Liam your tagged too! mwahahahahahah! lol.

The rules of this crazy game: grab the book closest to you. Turn to page 161. Print the 5th complete sentence on your blog. Tag 5 others!

here's mine: 'Jose, too, had worries about his health: he had stomach pains and was eventually sent for some tests.' ('And You Visited Me' by Penny M Wheat)

Thursday, June 7, 2007


i am nearly on the verge of tears. i'm that angry and upset! iwas looking thru people's blogs and found a link to . these people are trying to bribe people to sin! they are trying to get people to denounce their religion and deny the Holy Spirit! and what do you get if you do this? A STUPID WORTHLESS DVD THAT IS FULL OF THEIR PATHETIC ARGUMENTS THAT GOD DOES NOT EXIST!

They're doing this because of the verse from Mark 3:29 'But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin'. are they not aware of how powerful God is? are we as christians so shy and meek that they think that God is like that too?

GOD MADE THIS WORLD! He's brought fire down from the sky to INCINERATE those who have tried to rise against him! He has FLOODED this world! he has sent countless plagues! he has WIPED OUT nations! He is ALL POWERFUL and MIGHTY! and most importantly of all he is the GOD OF LOVE! so why on earth are these people trying to mess with him! Jesus died for us so why on earth are they trying to hurt what God loves most? us?

i've read their websites and they're asking for sientific proof of God's existence! you can't prove or DISPROVE God with science! God Made science! i'd go on but i have to leave it here.

please i beg of anyone who reads this do not fall for the devil's trap, do not give up your faith for a piece of pathetic plastic that will oneday waste away!

yours in God, love alana