Thursday, March 29, 2007

Emotions of the cross

yesterday i was reading the book of John, particularly near the end where it talks about Jesus' death. i was using a devotional book and it had some amazing questions in it that really made u think. after i read the passages, i read the questions, they were like: 'where do think Jesus's desciples were?', 'what do you think was going through Jesus' mother's head?', and a whole lot of other ones that really made you think. too often i read the bible, but all i'm doing is taking in the words. when i did this i was looking deeper into what was going on and it brought to life the fact that the people back then actually had emotions. i urge you to find a good devo book to read WITH the bible, not instead! it helps u to understand and think about things that you may never have considered. well just thought i'd say that.

the reason that i was reading that passage in particular was because i didn't want to get to easter camp and realise that i was only really caring about easter because of camp, i wanted to show God that easter meant more to me than eggs and camp and that i was thankful for what he had done and that i wasn't just a camp christian. try reading the passages about Jesus' crucifixion and ressurection and question what each person would have been feeling at each point of time and what you would do in their situations. how would you deal with watching Jesus die? what would you have done if God told you to go through what Jesus went through? i think that we can take easter for granted, sometimes we need to stop and think about what really happened.

just thought i'd blab on for a bit.
c y'all @ camp!
love alana

Thursday, March 8, 2007

what gives u the right?

i'm not in a very happy mood.
lately all i ever seem to hear is people talking of taking other people's lives or hurting other people or friends being threatened by other people.
what on earth is going on here?
where do we get the right to even think about hurting someone else?
God puts it quite clearly when he says 'it's mine to avenge, i will repay' (kinda rephrased?)
and where it says in matthew chapter 5 or 6 about how even thinking evil thoughts about ur brother isn't good.
so what's going on?
r people saying that they want to hurt someone, but they think that if they don't think about it then it's ok?
Romans 6:23: for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 3:23: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God!
and i'm pretty sure that there's a commandment saying 'Don't murder!' and 'Love Your Neighbor!'
so before u even start to think about hurting someone maybe think about the fact that ur not perfect and that God is the only one who has the right to give life and take it away.
because each time that a non-christain sees a christian act in this way they get the impression that God is just a God of hate.
ps. will admit that i'm not perfect and get angry to, but u mst remember not to let the sun go down on ur anger! (oh look, another part of the bible! fancy that. lol)

i think i've made my point. lol.
love y'all,
ps. i'm happy